bp as operator of the Shallow Water Absheron Peninsula (SWAP) advises that the Satti jack-up rig has moved to the Bibi-Heybat prospective area to commence the drilling of the second SWAP exploration well - BHEX01. This follows the abandoning of the first SWAP exploration well drilled in the North Khali area as per the original design and plan.
The BHEX01 exploration well will be drilled within the West Prospective Area of the SWAP Contract Area, approximately 1.5km from the coast, in the water depth of approximately 7m. The well is planned to reach total depth of up to 4400 metres.
Drilling activities will commence on 11 December and are expected to take approximately four months to complete with a further month of drilling anticipated should appraisal activities be required for obtaining further reservoir information.
bp is operator and holds a 25% interest in the SWAP production sharing agreement (PSA) with partners SOCAR holding a 50% interest and LUKOIL the remaining 25%.