BP today announced in Baku its 2008 Bursary Programme as part of the company’s long-term commitment to Azerbaijan’s successful future.
The BP Bursary Programme is a BP initiative for Azerbaijan. It was first launched in 2007 and is geared towards scholars interested in pursuing oil and gas related studies in Azerbaijan.
The initiative is designed to sponsor up to 50 university students who are specializing in petroleum engineering and geosciences at Azerbaijan’s State Oil Academy. It will be open to all first year university students currently enrolled in either the Petroleum Engineering or Geological Prospecting departments at the State Oil Academy. The first scholars will be selected and enrolled in the programme by January 10, 2009.
“This programme is aimed at encouraging students to pursue careers in petrotechnical disciplines. The selection of students is made on the basis of highly competitive admission score, academic achievements, and interpersonal skills. We were pleased that last year we had many successful students including women, refugees and internally displaced persons,” says Sue Adlam-Hill, BP’s Vice-President, Human Resources.
Note to Editors:
As the operator of Azerbaijan’s major oil and gas development and transportation projects BP continues to make education a particular focus and plans to continue to support such initiatives.
In Azerbaijan BP to date has sponsored a number of educational projects including the ones below:
- BP on behalf of its co-venturers has operated for a number of years an annual scholarship project called Azerbaijan Oil and Gas Scholarship Programme, to promote economic and social development in Azerbaijan by enabling bright young Azerbaijanis to undertake studies in foreign and national educational institutions. Some 100 students are currently studying in the USA, UK, Turkey, Russia and Azerbaijan under this programme
- BP on behalf of its co-venturers has sponsored the Green Pack project – a multimedia, interactive educational tool which aims at enhancing environmental knowledge of school teachers and 1-11 grade students. This initiative represents a unique investment in children’s environmental awareness and overall education in Azerbaijan
- BP launched earlier this year a new educational initiative to help promote science through increasing access to better-quality science education in Azerbaijan. The project administered by the British Council concentrates on three main science subjects: chemistry, physics and biology. It offers a well-tested teacher training model initiating active teaching and learning approaches. It also provides significant support for the implementation of the new curriculum for the three designated science subjects
- BP on behalf of its co-venturers also operates the Caspian Energy Center (CEC) – a facility designed as an educational tool primarily for use by secondary schools to help educate children about the natural resources of the country and how these are used in our everyday life. In 2007, CEC had 8,478 visitors, including 5,855 children
- The Business Journalism Training Programme funded by BP is implemented jointly with two international organizations - the British Council and the Thompson Foundation. The course builds on the successful programme of English language training for a large group of Azerbaijani journalists sponsored by BP and run by the British Council for over the past decade. The programme provides a unique opportunity for people who are united by their enthusiasm and commitment to a career in journalism, and encourages them to think what they can do for their nation to improve the standards of business journalism in the country
For further information please contact:
Tamam Bayatly, BP Baku Press office, telephone: 994 (0) 12 599 4557