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Information about Dodd Frank protocol, swap disclosures, daily mark access, and more.

bp Energy Company (“BPEC”) is registered as a “swap dealer” as defined in Section 1a(49) of the Commodity Exchange Act and CFTC Regulation 1.3(ggg).


In order for BPEC to be able to transact with you, we are requesting that you agree to adhere to ISDA’s August 2012 [and March 2013] Dodd-Frank Protocols (the “Protocol”) , including any addendums to the Protocol relevant to your transactions with us and complete the associated questionnaire, please see Dodd-Frank Documentation Initiative.


BPEC subscribed to ISDA Amend, a joint service provided by Markit and ISDA, to enable swap dealers and their clients to amend swap documentation using a single online tool. All aspects of the questionnaire are now available online at IHS Markit.


BPECs questionnaire will be available on ISDA Amend, but if you prefer to exchange the questionnaire directly with us via email, you may submit your questionnaire to FinancialContractsExternal@uk.bp.com.


Please note that BPEC expects to subscribe to additional ISDA protocols that are currently in the process of being finalized. Accordingly, BPEC may ask you to adhere to those additional protocols in the future so that we can continue to transact with you. We will keep you updated on these additional ISDA protocols and provide you with any related documentation that we believe requires your attention or completion.

Please find below the ISDA general disclosure statement and ISDA Commodities derivatives disclosure annex published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (“ISDA”). These disclosures will apply to all standard transactions, as defined in the ISDA general disclosure statement and ISDA commodities derivatives disclosure, between you and bp Energy Company. You can also find the current ISDA disclosures by visiting International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (“ISDA”). 

Disclaimer by ISDA


(a) In no event may any copyright or trademark notice from the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. ('ISDA') be removed; and (b) this instrument's use should be undertaken only after securing appropriate legal advice on its provisions and ISDA makes no warranty or assurance, express or implied, concerning this instrument's suitability for use in any particular transaction and bears no responsibility or liability whatsoever, whether in tort or in contract, in respect of any use of this instrument.
In general, ISDA documents are protected by federal copyright law and international copyright treaties. The unauthorized reproduction and/or distribution of copyrighted documents may violate U.S. copyright law and international agreements. Violations may be punishable by statutory fines of up to $150,000 and other severe civil and/or criminal penalties. Please click here for the 'Memorandum on frequently asked questions on copyright'. Contact the ISDA Legal Department at isda@isda.org or 212-901-6000 for more information if you have any questions.

In connection with certain CFTC regulations applicable to swap dealers, BPEC will be providing a daily mark to all of its counterparties (other than a swap dealer, major swap participant, security-based swap dealer, or major security-based swap participant) for non-cleared swap(s) and security-based swap(s) existing with such parties, for the duration of such swap(s). All daily marks are provided in US Dollars and are presented from BPEC’s viewpoint.  Please see the daily mark statements for disclosures on the methodology and assumptions used to prepare daily marks, provided however, that BPEC will not disclose any confidential, proprietary information about any model.


BPEC has a customer portal whereby it will provide such daily marks. bp customer portal is password restricted and your account must be set up in order to view your reports. Therefore, if you currently do not have access to the bp customer portal, please request access.


With respect to cleared swaps, we will not be providing you with a daily mark, however, upon your request, you have the right to receive the daily mark from the relevant derivatives clearing organization.

bp Energy Company (“bp”) adopts the Code of Conduct below for persons engaged on bp’s behalf or on behalf of any of bp’s affiliates in natural gas sale for resale transactions and for voluntarily submitting energy pricing data to appropriate trade publications.


BP Energy Company
Email: BPEnergyNotice@bp.com
Phone: +1 713 323 0911