Hi, Arek East Java! Now BP Ultimate is available at the bp service stations in East Java!
Maximizes your vehicle’s performance using BP Ultimate with ACTIVE Technology which is specifically designed to help clean and protect the engine from harmful impurities, for a cleaner and enhanced engine with smoother run to maximize your driving efficiency and performance. By switching to BP Ultimate and using it continually, you can improve your engine's performance for a smoother driving experience and more effective fuel usage.
It is important to remember that even if you use BP Ultimate, you also need to maintain your regular services, changing the engine oil and oil filter regularly, as well as replacing the damaged or worn parts of the vehicle to make sure your vehicle stays on its optimum conditions.
Do not hesitate to switch your fuel to BP Ultimate for a cleaner engine, smoother driving experience, and more efficient use of fuel!
Find BP Ultimate at your nearest bp service station at this link :