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Pricing Appendix – BP PLUS Cards Pricing Table

BP Regular Diesel 6ppl off the list price ex VAT
BP Ultimate Diesel Pump Price
BP Regular Unleaded 6ppl off the list price ex VAT
BP Ultimate Unleaded Pump Price
BP LPG Pump Price
BP Gasoil Pump Price
Non-BP Motor Fuel (eg from an approved third party Site) Pump Price


- Pump Price means the price paid at the pump for the relevant transaction

- BP List Price means the BP List Price which is:

a) notified by email by B2M (or such other method as B2M may determine) to the Customer every Friday which is applicable to all transactions during the following week (being the period which commences at 00:01am on the relevant Monday and ends at 23:59pm on the immediately following Sunday);

b) is based on the average pump price for the relevant fuel type for the preceding Friday to Thursday (such period commencing at 00:01am on the relevant Friday and ending at 23:59pm on the relevant Thursday, excluding weekends and bank holidays) at a selection of approximately 100 BP branded service stations (as chosen by B2M and which B2M may vary from time to time); and

c) is inclusive of all applicable duties and VAT at the relevant rate.

  • Notwithstanding the above, at BP branded service stations the Customer shall always pay the lesser of: a) the BP List Price less the customer discount; and b) the pump price.
  • In the event that B2M is unable to calculate the average pump price for the relevant fuel type for the preceding Friday to Thursday (in accordance with the above) or is unable to inform the Customer of the BP list Price on or by the Monday it is effective – for example – due to bank holiday interruption – B2M will inform the customer in advance of any necessary change.
Pricing effective from W/C 27/01/2025:
Unleaded – 134.31 ppl inc VAT
Diesel – 141.61 ppl inc VAT

BP Fuel and Charge Card – Pricing, Invoicing and Payment

To order Fuel and Charge cards, please refer to the Fuel and Charge Card order form which is located on bp’s Online Services or please speak to your Account Manager to get a copy of the form.


The below details the costs/fees, for the bp Fuel and Charge cards, for electric charging on the bp pulse network:

Charging Speed Fast
3.7 -22kW
150 kW>
Pence per Kwh** 38p* 53p* 57p*
System Fee** 10% 10% 10%
Overstay fee per
hour** (usage over 90 min on Rapid & Ultra-fast)

Costs for electric charging using a bp Fuel and Charge Card at applicable third-party facilities are available via the bp Fuel & Charge App. An additional System Fee of [10%] shall apply**.


The above costs are invoiced on a reverse charge mechanism for VAT for customers with a VAT registration number. For customers without a VAT registration number, VAT will be charged at the standard rate. The prices quoted are exclusive of VAT.

* where charged by the supplier.
**Prices are subject to change at any time.

B2M reserves the right to vary some or all of these charges (or to add additional charges) from time to time.


The customer will pay invoices by direct debit within 7 days of the invoice.


More information for the BP Fuel and Charge Card can be found on bp’s website. Use of the BP Fuel and Charge card is subject to the following conditions:

  • Conditions of use of BP Fuel Cards (as amended from time to time), which can be found on bp’s website www.bpplus.co.uk
  • bp pulse Terms (as amended from time to time) which can be found on www.bppulse.co.uk  

No card fees

There are no associated fees related to cards, minimum usage or account management.

Target Neutral

 Fuel Code  Description  Well-to-wheel (kgCO2e/litre)  Cost per tonne CO2e (£)  Cost per litre (£)
 D  Fuel diesel (avg biofuel blend)  3.12219  6.05  0.019
 P  Fuel petrol (avg biofuel blend)  2.8068  6.05  0.017