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Digital hub helps protect Prudhoe Bay workers

Release date:
12 June 2020
Taking a digital approach to protecting workers during the coronavirus outbreak, the bp Alaska team developed an online tool to manage the mandatory quarantine for employees traveling to the North Slope — and they’re sharing their work with other industries across the US.

Monitoring employees for illness during the 14-day quarantine period used to involve face-to-face interactions with medical staff and filling out paper logs. The team worked quickly to find a safer, more efficient solution. 

bp teamed up with Resource Data, an information technology firm in Anchorage, to create a digital hub that tracks employees’ health and travel information, providing a contactless experience while capturing data in real time.

Digital hub to help protect workers during COVID-19

“This program builds on bp’s commitment to safety,” says bp’s Jerome Leveque, subsurface information manager, “we’ve just overlaid the digital technology on top of it to make it as efficient as possible.” 


The system enables employees to log their temperature and report any symptoms, immediately notifying medical staff of potential red flags. It also hosts digital forms for updating travel history and contact details, as well as a news hub for sharing the latest coronavirus-related information. 


“As the virus spreads or as mandates change, who knows what the next day will bring,” says Adam McCleary, a programmer at Resource Data. “This platform allows us to make updates as needed.” 


Leveque recognizes that bp isn’t the only company facing this challenge, saying: 

“There are many other organizations that need to capture this sort of information and manage this type of workflow, so we’re donating the code behind the technology.”

For more information about acquiring the code, contact info@resourcedata.com