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Lower emissions: possibilities we're making a reality

Release date:
1 November 2019

First and foremost, we’re making our oil and gas cleaner and better.

  • As oil and gas will continue to play a big role in the energy transition, making all of our operations cleaner and better is one of the most impactful things we can do to lower emissions. 
  • Last year, we cut emissions by 1.7 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent.
  • Upgrades at our Cooper River Chemicals plant in South Carolina cut the amount of power the plant buys from the grid by 40 percent. It also slashed CO2 emissions up to 110,000 tons per year.
  • Our industry-first continuous methane measurement program is being deployed on new projects worldwide and using sophisticated tech to reduce emissions.
  • And we’re working to more than double these cuts by 2025 for an amount of CO2 savings roughly equivalent to planting almost 58 million trees.

We’re turning single
use into endless use.

  • Our new technology enables circularity for unrecyclable PET plastic waste by transforming it into feedstock for new, recyclable PET products.
  • PET is the most commonly used plastic for beverage and rigid food packaging, meaning this breakthrough has the potential to divert billions of colored PET bottles and food trays from becoming landfill waste.
  • We’re building a pilot plant in Naperville, IL to prove the technology on a continuous basis before bringing it to full-scale commercialization.  

We’re helping higher
education lower
carbon emissions.

  • In September, Lightsource BP launched a project with Penn State to install 150,000 solar panels to power the university. 
  • This solar project — one of Pennsylvania’s largest — will reduce the university’s greenhouse gas emissions by 57,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide each year. 
  • Now operating in 10 countries, Lightsource BP is expanding access to 100 percent renewable power, available at both grid and industrial scales.

We operate or hold interest
in 10 onshore wind farms
across seven states.

  • Our wind farms produce enough electricity to power over 450,000 homes.
  • BP is also partnering with Tesla to test high-storage battery technology at its Titan 1 wind farm in South Dakota.

We’re tackling food sustainability.

  • BP is partnering with Calysta, a company developing technology to convert natural gas into fish and livestock feed. 
  • The new, more sustainable process yields protein to help meet growing global demand. 
  • The process requires no agricultural land and uses 70 percent less water than alternatives.

We’re investing in
carbon-eating concrete.

  • Concrete is the second most-used substance on Earth. 
  • Typical concrete production creates almost 8 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions. 
  • We’re backing New Jersey technology company, Solidia, to make a new kind of concrete through a process that cuts emissions by 70 percent.

We’re making renewable diesel fuel in Washington state.

  • BP's renewable diesel fuel—made from tallow, an agricultural byproduct—reduces greenhouse gas emissions and burns cleaner.
  • The project is helping us learn how to incorporate new, low carbon fuels into existing refinery production.
  • With a few upgrades, we’re able to co-process the fuel right alongside conventional diesel. Now making 120,000 gallons a day, our Cherry Point refinery is leading the Pacific Northwest as the only refinery with this capability.

We’re helping truckers use less fuel. Yes, less fuel. 

  • BP invested in Peloton Technology which is developing artificial intelligence drafting technology to let freight trucks travel together in drag-reducing convoys.

We’re also making
jet fuel differently.

  • We’re working with Fulcrum Bioenergy, a company using BP technology to turn trash into jet fuel. 
  • It saves landfill waste. 
  • And cuts emissions by 80 percent. 

We offset 1,400 tons of carbon emissions with… old furniture.

  • We re-sold or recycled 1 million pounds of wood and metal from old office furniture in Texas rather than send it to a landfill.

And we’re incentivizing
our employees to find new
ways to lower emissions.

  • For 36,000 BP employees — including executive directors — compensation is linked to meeting our aggressive low carbon goals. 
  • We are investing $100 million to fund employee ideas, both big and small, for lowering carbon in our upstream.
The list doesn't end there. At BP, we see possibilities
everywhere to help the world keep advancing.