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Tesla wind project starts in U.S.

Release date:
November 13, 2018
BP wind energy has initiated a high-performance energy storage project using a battery supplied and fitted by Tesla
Wind turbines

Since launching the project earlier this year, work has been undertaken at the Titan 1 wind site in South Dakota to get the 212Kw/840 kilowatt-hour battery storage system – which is designed, manufactured and installed by Tesla - ready to go live.


It’s the first of its kind at a wholly-owned and operated BP wind site, and it has the potential to address the intermittency of wind power and improve efficiency across BP’s wind business.


Storing excess energy

The battery is designed to store excess energy that is generated when the wind is blowing, and this stored power can then be deployed across the site where it is needed when the wind stops blowing.


Insights from this project at Titan 1 will allow BP to make better-informed decisions for similar energy storage projects across its renewable energy businesses.


Speaking about the project, BP’s Chief Executive of Alternative Energy (AE) Dev Sanyal said: “As renewables form a bigger part of the energy mix, storage systems like this one will become increasingly important.


“This project will help us develop new business models around the integration of renewables, battery storage and other forms of energy – and it underscores our commitment to being part of the transition to a lower-carbon future.”


Projected power growth

Nick Wayth, chief development officer for BP’s alternative energy business, added: “Power is the fastest-growing form of energy, and renewable power is expected to account for around half the projected growth. We have formed a Low Carbon Power Unit (LCPU) within AE, which is focused on developing new business models including integration of gas and renewables, digital energy and storage. This project enables us to evaluate the further application of batteries across our business.”


BP directly operates 13 wind sites across the US, with interest in an additional site in Hawaii. Together, they have a gross generating capacity of 2,259 megawatts - enough electricity to power all the homes in a city the size of Philadelphia.