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Introducing advanced fuels to help everyone go further: Arno’s story

21 August 2019
How protecting motorbike engines today can help protect the environment tomorrow

Having always had a passion for automotive, Arno joined BP as Fuels Offer Development Manager in 2012. BP’s supporting his introduction of an innovative ‘Two Wheeler’ strategy in Indonesia


Arno’s role at BP is all about developing fuels for new markets. As he explains:


“I recommend the strategy to work out the best kind of fuel to use in each country based on what the consumer needs. For some markets, where there are low-tech vehicles, a good quality fuel with some additional benefits is the answer. But for others, and wherever we can, we offer our most advanced fuels with ACTIVE technology. This benefits everyone – the driver, the vehicle and the environment – because cars go further on less, and the advanced fuel technology means there are fewer harmful emissions.”


There have been a few changes in the Spanish market since Arno joined BP in 2012. Back then, customers weren’t so aware of the benefits of premium fuels. But, as consumers were looking for fuels that could give them more miles and less unexpected workshop visits, people at BP saw an opportunity to differentiate, which, Arno says, led to one of the proudest moments in his career: “In 2015, I got to launch ACTIVE fuels, right here in Spain, which really showed that we know what our customers want and need.”


This support for innovation and the faith BP has in the talents of its people are two of the aspects of working here that he enjoys most. “They’re very respectful and put a lot of trust in you,” he says. “You’re given a lot of room to present your ideas, work on your strategy and implement it and a lot of opportunities to define what you think needs to be done.”


This gave him the chance to work on a brand new ‘Two Wheeler’ strategy in Indonesia. He realized that most fuel companies were ignoring motorbike users, because they only tend to fill up to three litres at a time. But, as he explains: “In countries like China, India and Indonesia, motorbikes vastly outnumber cars. So I realized that if BP could get motorbike users’ loyalty now, it would be a great opportunity for the future – as today’s motorbike users are the car drivers of tomorrow.”

We’ve have extended our fuel testing programme to prove performance of BP fuels with ACTIVE technology in motorcycles, this a world first! We also created specific motorbike pumps, special lanes, parking places and a Castrol Bikepoint workshop.

His ‘Two Wheeler’ strategy involved showing motorbike users that BP respected them as much as car drivers. So, what have he and his team introduced so far?


“We’ve have extended our fuel testing programme to prove performance of BP fuels with ACTIVE technology in motorcycles, this a world first! We also created specific motorbike pumps, special lanes, parking places and a Castrol Bikepoint workshop” he says. “This kind of innovation wouldn’t have happened without BP’s support and openness to new ideas.


”He believes this open way of working is key to BP’s success. “You get to work with great people, managing projects on a global level,” he says. “And it’s not hierarchical – you can communicate directly and equally with people two or three levels above you. This has helped me get results throughout my career.”

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